According to the People's Liberation Army Newspaper - Treatment and recovery, helping the patient recover quickly is not simply diagnosing the right cause, treating in the right direction, with the right medicine, but also need to do well in ensuring nutrition, improving the health of the person. sick.
In recent years, Military Medical Hospital (BVQY) 103, Military Medical Academy has focused on researching and completing the process of feeding patients through the intravenous and gastrointestinal tract, put into practice, contributing to improving the quality of amount of hospital treatment.
Promote effectiveness of nutrition
BVQY 103 has just successfully cured a rare illness in 29-year-old Le Thi Thu Huong (My Duc, Hanoi) with type 1 diabetes, complications from a coma due to ketoacidosis, severe lipid metabolism disorders, severe water and electrolyte disturbances, increased osmotic pressure. In the literature of Vietnam and the world, no cases have been recorded with such high levels of hyperglycemia and blood lipid indexes. Patients hospitalized with brain damage, severe electrolyte water disorder, acid alkaline imbalance ... Before these signs, everyone thinks that it is difficult to save the patient's life.
However, the doctors BVQY 103 did not falter, devoting all their efforts to healing patients. However, the problem raised here is not only the diagnosis of the cause of the disease, drugs and treatment techniques but also nutrition care because the patient's body is almost exhausted. Assessments of nutritional status show that patients with cachexia, muscle atrophy, loss of fat layer, severe anemia ... In adulthood, it only weighs 42kg, after 5 days of illness, it is less than 36kg. This is not a simple problem for physicians.
Vậy là các cuộc trao đổi chuyên môn, hội chẩn liên khoa được bệnh viện phối hợp triển khai. Phương pháp chăm sóc, can thiệp dinh dưỡng bằng đường tĩnh mạch và đường tiêu hóa được các thầy thuốc BVQY 103 xây dựng đến từng giờ, từng ngày và cụ thể từng chất để bệnh nhân có thể hấp thụ, chống lại rối loạn chuyển hóa, nâng cao thể trạng, đáp ứng các yêu cầu kỹ thuật trong cứu chữa nội bệnh. Thượng tá, TS, bác sĩ Phạm Đức Minh, Chủ nhiệm Bộ môn-Khoa Dinh dưỡng (BVQY 103), cho biết: Dưới sự chỉ đạo sát sao của lãnh đạo bệnh viện và phối hợp điều trị đa mô thức, Bộ môn-Khoa Dinh dưỡng hội chẩn, thống nhất can thiệp dinh dưỡng tích cực cho bệnh nhân bằng phương pháp kết hợp dinh dưỡng tĩnh mạch và nuôi ăn sớm đường tiêu hóa với các sản phẩm dinh dưỡng chuyên biệt, góp phần ổn định lượng đường máu và mỡ máu trong 24 giờ của bệnh nhân.
The doctors of the Department of Nutrition (Military Hospital 103) exchanged nutritional care for patients.
Complete the process, improve the quality of nutrition
Besides intravenous nutrition is mainly in the severe stage of the disease, slow-speed continuous digestion feeding preserves the function of intestinal mucosa cells, restores the hepatopancreatic cycle, and prevents complications. As a result, the patient's body avoids prolonged gastrointestinal starvation. After only a few days of active treatment, patients have gradually transitioned from gastrointestinal nutrition with venous nutrition to a complete gastrointestinal diet. When improving the physical condition, the patient transferred to the Endocrinology Department to continue treatment.
Seeing our amazement at the "nutritional physician" in the patient healing process, Senior Lieutenant Colonel Pham Duc Minh explained: “Nutrition is a very important factor for patients. Today, countries around the world and our country have researched and produced many very good nutritional products, more support for clinical doctors. Nearly all diseases have specialized nutrition products. However, the way of using and combining nutritional products and "tactics" to bring nutrition into the patient's body needs to be very scientific to create effectiveness in disease treatment ".
Bringing the "eyes and ears" to the BVQY 103's leaders, we know that: Nutrition science research in patient care is always taken care of by committees, leaders at all levels, interested in leadership and direction. implementation organization and has made great progress. Most serious cases, high technology in medicine, such as: organ transplantation, treatment, and care for cancer patients ... have the participation and important contributions of the Department of Nutrition, the teachers. specialized nutrition medicine.
Major General Tran Viet Tien, Director of BVQY 103 affirmed: Nutrition is one of the "tripod legs" in treatment. Along with medicine and nursing, BVQY 103 has a long history of clinical nutrition and increasingly affirms the quality of nutritional interventions in comprehensive treatment. The team of physicians and staff are well trained, always uphold the sense of responsibility in their work, making an important contribution to the overall achievement of the unit.
Posts and photos: TIEN DAT