Severe patients who are treated in hospitals will be more concerned about their diet - On the morning of December 19, the Vietnam Association for the Nourishment of the Intravenous and Gastrointestinal Tracts (VietsPEN) for the term 2020-2025 was officially launched. The main beneficiaries of the Association's activities will be critically ill patients being treated in hospitals.

According to statistics, the whole country currently has about 40-60% patients undergoing resuscitation treatment (suffering from multi-organ failure, mechanical ventilation, dialysis, ECMO treatment), serious injury, cancer, post-transplant patients. organs ... are malnourished. This condition increases complications, costs of treatment and death in hospital. The reason is that in the past, when treating patients, health workers often focused on intervention methods, surgery, and prescribing drugs, forgetting that proper nutrition also played an important role. during treatment of the disease.

Therefore, the Vietnam Society of Intestinal and Gastrointestinal Nourishment was established with the aim of improving the knowledge of doctors and caregivers of hospitalized patients on how to use proper nutrition as a means of effective treatment.

"The Association has many doctors in different specialties such as resuscitation intervention, clinician, nutrition, endocrinology, oncology, cardiology ... We will exchange experiences to improve skills in detection and history. Apply nutrition to treatment interventions, coordinate with existing treatment methods to bring the best results for patients, help them recover early, shorten treatment time ...”- Dr. Do Tat Thanh - Vice Chairman of Vietnam Association for the nourishment of the venous and gastrointestinal tract in the term 2020 - 2025 emphasizes.

Up to now, the Association has 300 members participating. In addition to providing nutritional care methods for critically ill patients being treated in hospitals, the association will disseminate knowledge, information, and raise awareness for the community and family members taking care of patients about the diet. nutrition, avoid listening to anti-scientific nutritional information that is popular on social networking sites today.

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